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Have you reached a stage in your business where you're concerned about potential slippages but aren't quite prepared to bring on a full-time employee? Are you losing sleep, pondering whether you're truly providing adequate customer care? A virtual assistant could offer a solution!

 What Sets Us Apart

In the world of virtual assistance, you'll find a wide array of options and providers. At our agency, we've taken a thoughtful approach to stand out and meet the specific needs of busy entrepreneurs and business executives. We understand that running a business can be demanding, and consistency in support is crucial for both the business's success and maintaining excellent customer relationships.

Our agency is designed with this in mind. We provide a unique blend of services and expertise that align with the dynamic nature of today's business landscape. 



We don't offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we take the time to understand your business, its unique challenges, and your goals. This enables us to provide highly tailored support that aligns with your specific needs.


We recognize that consistency is key to success. Our commitment to delivering reliable and dependable support ensures that you can focus on your core business activities with peace of mind, knowing that critical tasks are in capable hands.


We understand the value of time and efficiency in business. Our processes are streamlined to ensure that tasks are completed promptly and accurately, enabling you to stay on top of your responsibilities and customer demands.

Our established path to achieving success

Book a Consultation

Our initial step is to initiate a complimentary consultation, during which we can delve into your business objectives, pinpoint the challenges your business faces, and converse about how a virtual assistant can contribute to your business's growth and enhance your customer service

Seamless Placement and Onboarding Process

Throughout the placement procedure, we define the work's scope, required skill sets, and the ideal personality traits that align with your business. We take the responsibility of meticulously pairing you with a virtual assistant from our team and guide you through every step of the onboarding process.

Enhance Business Results

After your virtual assistant has acclimated to your business and systems, you'll find yourself with the freedom to concentrate on crucial tasks that allows business growth, all while your VA adeptly manages assignments encompassing admin support, project management, social media, and more


Imagine this ...

Streamling your email inbox, filter out spam, and prioritize important messages, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making.

Having a VA organize and manage your calendar, ensuring that meetings, appointments, and deadlines are met seamlessly.

You're writing a book or articles, and you could use help with research, fact-checking, and editing to ensure your content is top-notch. 

Your social media presence is lacking, and you want to boost your online brand. A VA can help manage your social media accounts, schedule posts, and engage with your audience. 

Your customer support requests are piling up, and you need someone to handle inquiries, resolve issues, and maintain a positive customer experience.

You're drowning in paperwork, from expense reports to contract reviews. A VA can handle these administrative tasks efficiently.

Your email marketing campaigns need regular attention, from crafting newsletters to analyzing campaign results.

Your team needs help with project management and task delegation. A VA can assist in assigning and tracking tasks to improve team efficiency.

You're expanding your business into new markets or launching new products, and you need market research and competitive analysis to make informed decisions.

It’s time to take action! You deserve success!

What our clients are saying

“I've been working with KME Virtual Solutions for the past year, and I can confidently say that it has been a game-changer for my business. From day one, they have consistently exceeded my expectations in every way. Their commitment to understanding my business needs and tailoring their services to match them is remarkable. I no longer spend hours each day bogged down by administrative tasks, emails, and scheduling. Instead, I can focus on growing my business, nurturing client relationships, and pursuing strategic opportunities. One of the standout qualities of KME Virtual Solutions is their professionalism and attention to detail. Whether it's managing my calendar, conducting research, or even handling customer inquiries, they handle every task with precision and efficiency. It's clear that they genuinely care about the success of my business, and their dedication shows in the quality of their work. Communication with KME Virtual Solutions has always been seamless. They are responsive, proactive, and excellent at keeping me updated on progress and any potential issues. This level of transparency has created a strong sense of trust between us, which is invaluable when entrusting someone with such important responsibilities. I've also appreciated their adaptability. As my business has evolved, KME Virtual Solutions has been flexible in adjusting their support to meet my changing needs. Whether it's helping with social media management, research for a new project, or coordinating travel plans, they've consistently delivered outstanding results.

- Britt Moore


Is there a minimum number of hours to contract a virtual assistant? To optimize your business and enhance customer satisfaction, we suggest beginning with a minimum commitment of 20 hours per month. While many of our clients seek long-term collaboration to streamline their operations, we also provide short-term options for specific projects such as course or product launches, or during particularly busy business seasons

Are there certain tasks that aren’t a good fit for a virtual assistant? A virtual assistant serves a distinct role from a receptionist, so if your primary requirement is phone answering, a VA may not be the ideal fit. When you book a complimentary consultation, we'll delve into your business needs comprehensively. We'll explore the various ways a VA can contribute to the seamless operation of your business and elevate your customer service to the highest standards.

What if it’s not working out with my virtual assistant or my business needs change? We conduct interviews with all of our VAs, and we facilitate an interview between the recommended VA and each client before we confirm the placement. However, we understand that sometimes, despite a thorough onboarding process, a fit might not be perfect. If you find that it's not the right match, please inform us, and we'll work to match you with a different virtual assistant. We also recognize that business needs can evolve. If you no longer require the services of a VA, you can cancel with a 30-day written notice. Your satisfaction and flexibility are our priorities.

Do your VAs specialize in anything specific? Our team of virtual assistants offers a diverse range of specialties, including but not limited to administrative support, project management, customer service, sales, marketing coordination, system and process implementation, controller services, social media management, and more. We're dedicated to assisting you in identifying the specific tasks where you need support. Our placement process is designed to ensure we find the perfect fit for your unique needs, ensuring your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

When is my virtual assistant available to support my business? Our virtual assistants typically maintain availability between 9 am and 5 pm in their respective local time zones. Since a VA may assist multiple clients, it's crucial to communicate your expectations for daily and weekly tasks, allowing them to plan their schedules effectively to meet deadlines. In the event of an emergency or urgent matter, please feel free to contact your VA by phone to address and resolve the issue promptly. Effective communication ensures a smooth and responsive working relationship with your virtual assistant.

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